I'm a busy gal. I have created my business from the ground up over the last decade. Anyone who owns their own small business (or aspires to) knows that it is a 24/7 job. Even now with the incredible team Ray of Light has attracted, I am "on call" always. Owning the building is a whole other ball game. If any tenant is in the building, my husband and I are on call for any potential issues. Locked out of the office, flood, electrical issues, plumbing, etc....all on us.
I am married, we have two dogs and an older house that seems to always need attention. My Mom passed away at the end of last year and my father has Alzheimers and resides in a local facility. Between managing his care, schlepping my mother's things around and attempting to sort through them for the important family heirlooms, my sister and I stay busy. Too busy.
After 18 years, I have retired from massage therapy to become a student of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Between class, study time, and clinics I spend about 15-20 hours per week working on this goal.
Ask any one of my friends or family and they will say I have "projects" going All. The. Time.
And they are right. "Hey honey, you know what I really feel like doing this weekend?" The question, my husband dreads. His answer would be "catching up on some sleep?". Ha! But, alas, I have more I want to do....ALWAYS!
After witnessing my mother pass on to the next life, I experienced a "reset" of some kind which is still unravelling in my life every day. One of the major shifts was changing my career path to allow for more space and time in my daily life. Reflection. Journalling. Meditation. Yoga!
The practice of yoga has always been fabulous for me. I don't particularly enjoy cardio vascular exercise and I do love the part where I get to curl up in a ball periodically and then take a nap at the end. So, recently I found myself on the mat in class with Linda Hardy in front of me as the teacher. She was my mom's first teacher when she began her yoga journey at the age of 50. Linda's class for this month? Self Awareness. Hmmmmm, "well this ought to be interesting" I thought. I mean I have been in the "self awareness and self care" business for nearly 20 years now, I know ALL about it right!?!
One breathing technique in particular was something I remembered watching my mother practice a lot, especially when filled with the heaviness of fatigue from treatments. It's a 3 part breath that mom used to say "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" in her mind and heart during her practice. Linda mentioned that this routine was heavily influenced by a particular book, one my mom really loved as it guides the practitioner on a personal retreat within. I felt myself set my normal "peace" intention for my practice and I enjoyed every minute of class. At the end, during "nap time" also known as Shavasana or Corpse pose, my heart opened up suddenly. I was flooded with emotions of missing my mom and tears streamed down my face like a lazy river. I went home, pulled the covers over my head in my "cave" and cried. My husband held me like he always does and I journaled and talked it out. I just miss her. That's all. There's nothing to do about it. But these moments are rather paralyzing.
Missing my mom is something I am getting used to feeling on a daily basis. I can still be my usual task master and accomplish things on the almighty "To Do" list right? Sure. If I shove those feelings down and hold them in and push on in the pain of the grief. Sure. But something changed. Something is different now. Now I remember the PEACE of being self aware and dialed in to my Divine existence. Life doesn't just have to be a struggle from the cradle to the grave. There's a different way. A peaceful way.
I asked Linda to provide me with her notes for the class so I could practice the routine at home. With the husband away on business, I had the house to myself. I sat on my mat and took a breath. As I felt my body breathe in and out, I started to set my usual "peace" intention but this time another word came through: Peaceful Productivity. What the heck is that? I asked....and as I moved my body through the movements and stillness of the routine, the concept took form inside me. I can still be productive and accomplish "tasks" but what if it was from the energy of PEACE? What would it be like to write a blog, create a Facebook event, update our website, make an aromatherapy blend for a client, clean my house, organize my mother's things, or participate in my sister and I's Friday morning ritual of taking dad bowling with a sense of PEACE in the process?
This is the same concept as MINDFULNESS. A concept I learned many years ago in college while studying mediation for the first time. This is nothing new. But it is expressing itself in a different way in my life today and for that I am incredibly grateful.
So, how can you allow yourself to experience "Peaceful Productivity"?
1. Breathe. Bring your attention to your breath. When faced with a constantly growing "to do" list, breathing is the first step to tackling life with a sense of peace. Try placing your hand over your heart and slowing and deepening your breath. Slower. Even slower. Whenever the "OMG I have so much to do" message shows up inside you, return your attention to your breath.
2. S. L. O. W. down. One of the 4 pillars of advice I was given from one of my mentors was "Do what's right in front of you". Meaning, you can waste A LOT of time and energy worrying about what else you have to get done OR you can slow yourself down and just take things easily and peacefully one step at a time. Multitasking does not serve our higher purpose! Having a hard time remaining focused on the present task? Refer to #1.
3. Do what you love. Love what you do. Picking up dog poop, filling out that dreaded report at work, laundry, dishes, balancing the checkbook, or visiting a friend or loved one in a nursing home. We all have THOSE tasks that we really don't like so we spend all kinds of time and energy avoiding them. Part of the concept of Peaceful Productivity is holding that sense of peace inside you while you roll up those sleeves and accomplish your tasks. Even the ones you dread. It makes "those" tasks easier. What you may find is that they get done faster and with more ease since the sense of Peace is carrying you through. The ease with which you accomplish those necessary tasks of this life will create space and time for you to clear the clutter and enjoy the parts of life for which you feel passion and excitement.
The bottom line is be present with yourself and your life. Practice Peaceful Productivity and you may just finally conquer that "to do" list landing at a realization that "doing" combined with a sense of "being" is just what the Great Physician ordered.
-Kris Losch, BS, CMT, CA
Owner, Ray of Light Holistic Health